DevOps PaaS (Platform as a Service)

What is PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)?

Platform as a Service (PaaS), known as an application platform as a service or platform-based service, is a cloud computing service model that allows helping businesses to achieve these goals by providing a platform to deploy, test, develop, and manage applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

PaaS offers the scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing to servers, networks, storage, operating system software, databases, and development tools that can streamline the application development process without investing in expensive hardware or software.


Could you briefly explain to me what PaaS is?

Let's explain PaaS (Platform as a Service) using a real-life example. Imagine you're preparing dinner. You want to make a delicious pizza, but you don't want to start from scratch with every ingredient, like dough, sauce, and toppings. Instead, you decide to buy a ready-made DIY pizza kit, which includes pre-made dough, sauce, and some common toppings. In this analogy, you're the developer, your dinner is your application, and the purchased DIY pizza kit is similar to a PaaS platform.

PaaS is like a platform that provides pre-prepared development tools and environments, offering developers a simple way to build, deploy, and manage their applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Just like buying a DIY pizza kit, PaaS offers a range of services and tools such as databases, servers, storage, etc., all necessary for building applications.

With less upfront work, developers can focus on their application logic without worrying about configuring servers, installing software, and other tedious tasks.

PaaS Platform as a Service 平台即服務|遠振資訊

PaaS - DevOps Solution

Is application development and deployment too complex? Are the costs of purchasing and maintaining hardware and software too high? Is application management difficult or does scaling take too long? Let YuanJhen info. PaaS solve common DevOps challenges for you! Developers, testers, and operations teams can collaborate through DevOps PaaS to create, deploy, operate, and manage applications without worrying about underlying infrastructure, operating systems, or hardware. Besides enabling rapid application deployment and automatic scaling, it also facilitates continuous delivery and rapid iteration! YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS significantly simplifies the process of enterprise development, testing, and operations, reducing the workload and technical burden on developers, thereby improving development efficiency and deployment flexibility for enterprises, making applications more high-performing and scalable.

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PaaS Services and Cloud Platforms

Cloud-based PaaS platforms provide essential DevOps tools and resources

遠振 Cloud PaaS 平台提供完整 DevOps 解決方案|遠振資訊

Integration of all application and related resource sets

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS supports environments such as Java, PHP, Ruby, Node.js, Python, .NET, Go, etc., and collections like WordPress, Magento, MySQL, PostgreSQL, NGINX, Tomcat, GlassFish, WildFly, Docker, and Kubernetes. Users can select different languages and frameworks, add specific applications, databases, and other services as needed, simplifying application development, deployment processes, increasing work efficiency and application functionality, and reducing costs and time spent on infrastructure.

Cloud operation without interruption

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS is available for public clouds, private clouds, hybrid clouds, etc., allowing users to mix and match different infrastructures. DevOps PaaS has advantages such as deployment in hundreds of data centers, failover, and data backup, which can prevent application failures and ensure continuous operation of development, testing, maintenance, and management work.

Pay as you go, flexible payment|遠振資訊

Significantly reduce costs

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS solves users' technical, human, and cost issues related to purchasing, deploying, managing, and maintaining infrastructure, hardware, networks, and operating systems, thereby reducing enterprise costs. Users do not need to spend resources and manpower on infrastructure and environments.

Pay as you go, flexible payment

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS charges on a pay-as-you-go basis, where users only pay for the resources they actually use. This payment method helps users save costs while maintaining service quality.

PaaS 是什麼? Platform as a Service 平台即服務|遠振資訊

Efficient DevOps (Development/Operation/Maintenance)

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS, based on container technology, can deploy different environments for different applications, use different application and database services, and have multiple running environments simultaneously, each independent of the other, saving businesses time and costs in building environments, quickly meeting various deployment needs such as development, testing, and maintenance.

Zero-code deployment and intuitive PaaS cloud management platform

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS provides rapid deployment, removal, and reproducible environment configuration and software installation, reducing the technical difficulties faced by enterprises in development, deployment, and management and shortening the time for application scaling.

Automatic load balancing, rapid resource scaling

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS provides on-demand resources and tools that can automatically adjust resources based on application loads, effectively saving resource costs, and easy to manage, improving application performance and scalability.

PaaS Functionality and Tool Integration

DevOps PaaS supports modern application development and deployment

Which programming languages are supported?

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS provides users with an innovative development environment that supports a wide range of programming languages.

  • PHP (5.4 -8.1)
  • NodeJS (6,8,9 & 10)
  • Python (2.7 - 3.7)
  • Golang (1.9 & 1.10)
  • Java (JDK6-11, OpenJDK, OpenJ9)

Which application servers are supported?

Supports automatic scaling of applications, allowing for convenient adjustment of resource sets for applications.

  • Apache Web Server
  • NGINX Web Server
  • LightSpeed Web Server
  • Apache Tomcat Server
  • GlassFish Server

Which database servers are supported?

Supports SQL, NoSQL database servers, and server clusters.

  • MariaDB/MySQL/Percona
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • CouchDB
  • Redis

Load Balancing

Allocates resource loads to optimize resource usage and reduce response times.

  • HaProxy
  • LiteSpeed Web ADC
  • Apache
  • Varnish

PaaS fees are calculated based on the actual usage of resources.

PaaS fees

  • 1 Cloudlet = 0.25 vCPU / 128MiB RAM
  • 1 Cloudlet = $ 0.0037 / per hour ($ 2.67 per month)
  • Disk Space = $ 0.00017 / per hour, per GB (first 10GB free!) ($ 0.12 per month)
  • IP Address = $ 0.0061 / per hour ($ 4.56 per month)
  • Traffic = $0.092 / per GB (1GB per hour free)


  • Resource billing statistics update approximately every 1-2 hours.
  • If resource usage is less than 1GB or 1 hour, it will be billed as 1GB or 1 hour.
  • Additional billing item - LiteSpeed web server

Automatic Recharge Cashback Mechanism


YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS not only reduces your costs, but also offers discounts on PaaS services, making resource usage painless!

  • Formal Account - Enjoy a 30% cashback on recharge
  • Users who reactivate YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS can also receive a 10% cashback on recharges.


  • Trial Account: Accounts with a balance below 0 will be deleted after 30 days.
  • Formal Account (including recharged accounts): Accounts with a balance below 0 will be deleted after 60 days.
  • Accounts will not be suspended or deleted if the balance does not go below 0 (including reward funds).
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Who needs to use DevOps PaaS?

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS is suitable for enterprises, organizations, and individuals of various scales and types. It offers a fast development, testing, management, and deployment environment, along with secure and stable operation, helping industries enhance application scalability, reduce costs, increase work efficiency, and meet business development needs. PaaS is recommended for software development and IT industries, e-commerce, finance and insurance, healthcare and manufacturing, among others. Here are some common PaaS application scenarios:


DevOps PaaS provides an integrated development environment and tools, helping developers to quickly and focus on developing and deploying applications without worrying about purchasing, deploying, managing, and maintaining infrastructure and platform environments.


Enterprise IT Departments:

DevOps PaaS runs reliably and provides a fast and convenient development and deployment environment. Enterprise IT departments can easily manage and operate applications, reduce costs, and meet business needs.


Large, Medium, and Small Enterprises or Individual Users:

DevOps PaaS provides a scalable environment for development, testing, operation, and management, helping various types of enterprises efficiently and quickly build and deploy applications, promoting technological development and innovation.


E-commerce Industry:

YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS can meet the e-commerce industry's need to quickly respond to market demands. Its fast and convenient development, testing, operation, and management environment helps the e-commerce industry develop business.



Many startups use PaaS platforms to rapidly develop and deploy their applications because PaaS provides many development and deployment tools that can save time and costs.


Traditional Industries:

Traditional enterprises are also increasingly aware of the value of PaaS. They use PaaS to build internal applications, data analysis platforms, customer relationship management systems, etc.


Developer Community:

Many software developers and programmers use PaaS platforms to build and test new applications, software tools, and websites.


Educational Institutions:

Some universities and research institutions use PaaS to teach students how to develop software applications and websites and conduct research projects.


Do you encounter these difficulties?
Welcome to apply for YuanJhen info. PaaS platform, which can help you solve the challenges you encounter in DevOps.

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Advantages of PaaS, Why Choose YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS?


Each virtual machine requires allocation of a complete operating system and applications, whereas containers do not need to have independent operating systems (OS). Therefore, containers are much lighter than virtual machines, requiring fewer resources and having faster startup speeds and lower costs! YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS is an application platform based on containerization technology, aimed at simplifying the application development and deployment process and enhancing application performance and scalability. Users can develop, test, deploy, and manage applications on the platform without worrying about underlying infrastructure maintenance and management. DevOps PaaS provides a more convenient and easy solution for deploying and managing applications.
DevOps is the combination of "development," "testing," and "operations," also known as Development + Operations. DevOps primarily involves coordinating between IT operations and development teams and automating the development, testing, and deployment of applications to achieve faster product delivery, higher quality, and improved work efficiency. The YuanJhen info. PaaS platform offers many features and services related to DevOps practices, providing convenient and efficient development environments, reliable infrastructure, and automated deployment, testing, and monitoring functionalities. This helps enterprises achieve DevOps practices such as continuous integration (CI), delivery (CD), and deployment.
Cloud services can be divided into PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS, with the main difference being the scope of hosting services provided by the provider and the extent to which users need to manage them. IaaS is recommended for developers or enterprises that need complete control over host servers and systems. IaaS solutions include cloud hosting and AWS management services. PaaS is recommended for developers or enterprises that need to develop, test, operate, and manage applications. PaaS solutions include YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS. SaaS is recommended for users or enterprises lacking IT personnel and technical expertise who need to use software applications directly. SaaS solutions include MailCloud cloud enterprise mailbox, among others. Companies can choose the most suitable cloud service based on their cloud migration goals, technical requirements, costs, and other factors.
YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS offers an efficient and easy-to-use solution for developing, testing, operating, and managing applications. We welcome you to apply and start using our PaaS services. If you have any questions about the services, pricing, software provided by YuanJhen info. DevOps PaaS, or about the application and operation process, please feel free to fill out the PaaS inquiry form. Our representatives will contact you to provide further explanation.