DV - Single Domain


Positive SSL
Application and Trial

US$31.7 Year

Sectigo Positive SSL-SSL DV Single Domain|Yuan-Jhen
RapidSSL Plan
Application and Trial

US$33.3 Year

RapidSSL Plan-SSL DV Single Domain|Yuan-Jhen
SSL Certificate DV Single Domain|Yuan-Jhen

SSL Certificate DV Single Domain

The single domain validation SSL is a basic SSL type used in single domain websites. The DV plan is the plan that can be applied by non-organization users, you only need an email address to verify the ownership of the domain.
It is easy to apply, perfect for those who are in need. Immediately activate after application and installation. The best option for small websites and bloggers.

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Why You Should Use SSL Certificates on Your Website?

What is SSL? SSL certificate, Secure Sockets Layer|Yuan-Jhen

It is to increase customers' trust in the website. 


When you use an SSL certificate on your website, your website will be more trustworthy. Customers also feel more relieved spending money on this website.

Protect customer data with the Computer-Processed Personal Data (Information) Protection Act (PDPA). 


In addition to reinforcing the control of programs, an SSL certificate is the fastest solution!

DV SSL – DV SSL certificate|Yuan-Jhen
What is a DV SSL? Domain Validation SSL Certificate|Yuan-Jhen

Promote search engine optimization (SEO).


Google announced at the end of 2014 that installing an SSL certificate will increase the ranking of sites. A little money can promote the ranking of the website, why not?

SNI technology does not need standalone IPs.


The new certificates from Yuan-Jhen support TLS SNI, which saves your money in purchasing standalone IPs since IPv4 is becoming increasingly scarce.

SSL Certificate – Information Security of the websites|Yuan-Jhen

Recommendation for SSL Certificate

In addition to DV Single Domain plan, Yuan-Jhen also provides a variety of SSL Digital Certificate recommendation. You can easily choose the plan that meets your needs.

Features of DV SSL Certificate | Yuan-Jhen

SSL Certificate DV Unlimited Subdomain

Unlimited sub-domain validation can be used in multi sub-domain at one time, you don't need to purchase a certificate for each sub-domain. This certificate can be installed on different servers, it is perfect for websites of SMEs or multilingual websites.

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Verification mode of DV SSL Certificate | Yuan-Jhen

SSL Certificate OV Single Domain/Unlimited Subdomain

Single/Unlimited sub-domain OV is the SSL that provided for companies or organizations. The certificate will show the domain/companies name and address details which makes it more trustworthy. The application time will be longer than the DV SSL, but the secure level will be higher at the same time. This plan is perfect for e-commerce SMEs.

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Verification time of DV SSL Certificates | Yuan-Jhen

SSL Certificate EV Single Domain

Single domain extended validation is the highest level of the SSL certificate, the security and protection are the highest. Since there are items that need to be reviewed, the application time will be longer. This certificate is suitable for large shopping websites, e-commerce websites, and financial institutions.

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Applicable object of DV SSL Certificate|Yuan-Jhen



ssl certificates – DV SSL Certificates |Yuan-Jhen

Verification mode


Domain ownership verification
What is a DV SSL? Domain Validation SSL Certificates|Yuan-Jhen

Verification time


What's the difference between DV, OV & EV SSL certificates?|Yuan-Jhen

Applicable object


Basic website, blog